Quick version
World Diabetes Day is an initiative by the International Diabetes Federation and WHO to raise awareness about diabetes, a disease that is growing globally. The UN recognized diabetes as a public health threat in 2006, which led to World Diabetes Day receiving annual UN status since 2007.
In Sweden, around 600,000 people live with diabetes, and globally, it is estimated that 463 million adults are affected – a number expected to reach 700 million by 2045.
Recognize low blood sugar:Signs of low blood sugar in diabetics may include paleness, shaking, hunger, and difficulty concentrating. In acute cases, it is recommended to give something sweet to eat or drink, but never insulin. If the person cannot swallow, call 112 for assistance.
Do you suspect diabetes?Contact your health center for testing and further assistance.
World Diabetes Day is an initiative of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and WHO and was started in 1991. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to the fact that diabetes is increasing worldwide and what it is like to live with the disease.
On December 20, 2006, the United Nations adopted a historic resolution recognizing diabetes as a threat to global health. It was the first time a non-communicable disease was given this classification. The resolution emphasized the seriousness of the pandemic spread of diabetes worldwide and called on nations to take action to raise awareness and slow the progress of the disease.
The UN has since continued to play a central role in addressing this global health challenge through various initiatives and collaborations. Since 2007, World Diabetes Day has been included in the UN's annual theme days.
Diabetes in Sweden and the world
Up to 600,000 people in Sweden have diabetes, estimated to be around 150,000 people who have diabetes without knowing it. Of the 600,000 who have diabetes, approximately 10% are type 1 diabetics.
Worldwide, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that approximately 463 million adults are living with diabetes, a number that has skyrocketed. Since the 1980s, the number has increased by about 400 percent, according to the IDF, which predicts that the number of people with diabetes will reach 700 million by 2045.
Do you have diabetes? Find out how your body handles your blood sugar - test your levels with Health Check Diabetes.
Diabetes is not visible on the outside - therefore increased knowledge can be decisive
Diabetes is a disease that is not visible on the outside of a person, and therefore it can be difficult to know who has the disease. If a diabetic suddenly becomes unwell, the support of those around them can be decisive. Signs and symptoms are paleness, tremors in the arms and hands, hunger, difficulty concentrating and irritability.
Suffered from low blood sugarWhat has most likely happened then is that the person has suffered from low blood sugar. Other words that are also used as concepts for low blood sugar for a diabetic are sugar drop, insulin sensation, feeling, be low, lie low, hypoglycemia and hypo.
What should I do if someone has low blood sugar?The Swedish Diabetes Association's recommendations are as follows: the best is if you can measure the blood sugar, but if you can't do that, give the person something sweet to drink or eat. Never give insulin! If the person cannot swallow, do not give anything to eat or drink. Call 112 for advice on what to do.
Do you suspect you have diabetes?
If you are worried and suspect that you have been affected by diabetes, contact your healthcare center or hospital for help. Here you can read more about symptoms of type 1 diabetes and symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Scientists Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin in 1921. The fact that the date of World Diabetes Day is set to November 14 is because Frederick Banting was born on that day.