Choosing the right time for your estrogen test

Choosing the right time for your estrogen test

Estradiol, a form of estrogen, is a crucial hormone in your menstrual cycle and for your reproductive health. By measuring estradiol levels through a blood test, you can gain insight into your hormonal status and receive assistance in diagnosing or monitoring various conditions. Here are the recommended days during your cycle to take your estrogen test.

Quick version

Recommended days to test estrogen

Estrogen levels vary throughout the menstrual cycle, so it is important to be aware of which phase of the cycle you are in when you test your levels. Depending on the purpose of the test, there are recommended times for when it is best to test the estrogen levels.

Estrogen levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle.

Here are the recommended days to take the estrogen test.

Day 3 of the cycle

In a 28-day menstrual cycle, estrogen is ideally measured during the follicular phase on days 3-5. By measuring estrogen levels during this phase, hormonal imbalances can be identified early in the cycle. During the follicular phase, estrogen levels are generally low. This is because estrogen just begins to rise after the end of menstruation.

Here you can buy your estrogen test.

Mid-cycle or at expected ovulation

An estrogen test taken in the middle of a cycle can provide information about ovulation and the hormonal activity associated with egg maturation. High estradiol levels are an indication that ovulation is imminent or has occurred.

During fertility treatments

During a fertility treatment, such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), it is common to regularly measure estradiol levels to monitor a person's response to stimulation medications and adjust the treatment accordingly. This helps to ensure that egg development is optimal.

In case of suspected perimenopause or menopause

For women experiencing symptoms of perimenopause (the premenopausal period) or approaching menopause (when a woman has not had any menstruation for 12 consecutive months), measuring estradiol can provide important information about the hormonal status. Fluctuating or low levels can confirm the transition to menopause.

When evaluating irregular menstruations or amenorrhea

For women with irregular periods or absence of menstruation, testing estradiol can help identify causes such as estrogen deficiency or other hormonal disorders affecting the menstrual cycle.


Measuring estradiol at the right time in the menstrual cycle is important to obtain as accurate an assessment as possible of hormone levels. This way, any deviations or issues that may affect reproductive health can be identified.

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