Health check via blood test
We understand that your health is important, and therefore we have created the conditions for you to be able to access your personal health data. With our range of affordable health tests combined with accurate analyzes via accredited laboratories, you can gain important insight into your values. Simple, safe, effective and above all affordable.
If you want to gain a deeper insight into your blood values, today it is easy to both order a health check and take part in the test results digitally. Regardless of which analysis you order, you can be sure that a legitimate doctor always reviews abnormal test results. We are also here if you have questions about our service or want to get in touch with a doctor for medical advice.
Through a health check, you can identify low or high blood values that you are not aware of yourself, but which could potentially develop disease. When you get a handle on your host, you have good conditions for preventing illness and optimizing your health. Often small changes in everyday life have a significant effect on how you feel and how your blood values are affected.
We will send your referral directly.
Order your health check today and take the step towards preventing disease, optimizing your health and gaining valuable knowledge about your body and well-being. Shortly after your order, we will send your referral containing all your tests to the reception you have chosen. Together with our affiliated partners, we are at over 100 different receptions around Sweden.