Kidney and liver marker

Cystatin C

Cystatin C is a protein produced by all cells in the body and filtered by the kidneys. Measuring cystatin C levels can give an indication of kidney function.

What is cystatin C?

Cystatin C are proteins that are secreted from all cells in the body and are filtered by the kidneys.

Why analyze cystatin C?

Cystatin C measures the level in the blood, which can show how your kidneys are doing and whether you have reduced kidney function.

What can an elevated value of cystatin C mean?

A high value of cystatin C may indicate poorer kidney function, as it may mean that the kidneys are not filtering out cystatin C as they should. An increased value can also be obtained if you have a cortisone treatment, are pregnant or have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).

What can a low value of cystatin C mean?

A low value of cystatin C is unusual but can be due to an untreated hypothyroidism, underfunction of the thyroid gland, and can also give a falsely high eGFR.

Symptoms of reduced kidney function

The symptoms of chronic kidney failure, or chronic kidney failure, develop slowly. They can only appear when kidney function becomes so impaired that waste products begin to accumulate in the blood, then they can express themselves like this:

  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • fatigue
  • itching
  • impaired muscle power.

Tests containing the marker Cystatin C

Health checks

Health checks

Health Check - Diabetes
  • Health check designed for annual control of diabetes.
  • Includes a total of 15 health markers.
  • Get knowledge and insight into your blood sugar values.
  • Can identify early signs of diabetes.

495 kr395 kr

Health check - Female


  • Health check designed for women.
  • Includes a total of 48 health markers.
  • Gives you information about your overall health.
  • Can identify early signs of health problems.

1 795 kr1 615 kr

Health check - Man


  • Health check designed for you as a man
  • Includes a total of 45 health markers
  • Gives you knowledge about your general state of health
  • Can identify early signs of health problems

1 795 kr1 615 kr

Independent health check
Health check on your terms

Independent health check

  • Analysis of 46 health markers.
  • For control of vital health areas.
  • Self-referral without a doctor.

1 495 kr

Health check Large
  • Health check - Large.
  • Analysis of 52 health markers.
  • Helps you identify outliers.

1 995 kr1 795 kr

Health check man plus
Comprehensive health check

Health check man plus

  • Comprehensive health check for men.
  • Includes 65 different health tests.
  • Provides insight into your health data.
  • 10 different health areas.

4 595 kr3 795 kr

Woman Plus
Max health check

Woman Plus

  • Extended health screening for women.
  • 65 different health tests are included.
  • Several markers of hormonal balance.

4 595 kr3 795 kr

Kidney check
Health check kidney function

Kidney check

  • Checking your kidney function.
  • Test for suspected kidney failure.
  • Health check for your kidney status.

345 kr

Kidney tests

Kidney tests

  • Measuring your Cystatin C value.
  • Provides insight into how your kidneys are doing.
  • Indication for reduced kidney function.

79 kr35 kr