Health check and blood test Södermalm
With us you will find comprehensive health checks and health tests. The sampling unit is located at Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 25, floor 2 and applies drop-in. We cater to both individuals and businesses, making it easy for everyone to access important health information in a convenient way. Whether you want to keep track of your overall health, identify potential risk factors at an early stage, or improve your well-being through a deeper understanding of your body, we have a wide selection of tests to offer. Our goal is to provide you with insights into your health so you can take the actions needed for a longer, healthier life!
Test Answer: Your test result will be available within 1-5 business days. This means that you can see your test answers at within the specified time frame.
Personalized Doctor Comment: When you receive your test results, they will be accompanied by a personalized doctor's comment when purchasing a health check. This comment can help you understand the results and what they mean for your health.
Seriously outliers: If your test results show seriously outliers, a by the doctor at the test clinic to call you. This is to give you immediate attention and possible guidance about the next step in your care or treatment.