blowing sound

Heart murmurs are sounds heard when a doctor listens to your heart through a stethoscope. Sometimes the blowing sounds are so loud that they can be heard even without this instrument. They occur when there are abnormalities in blood flow either inside the heart or near it. Among these sounds are those that are harmless, but there are also those that may indicate an underlying heart disease.

CBC Test
Complete blood count and B cells test

CBC Test

195 kr119 kr

The cause of murmurs is usually related to changes in blood flow through the heart or nearby blood vessels

Here are some common causes of wheezing:

  • Heart valves: The moving parts of the heart valves can create murmurs if they don't close properly. It can result in blood flowing backwards instead of forwards through the heart.
  • Hole in the heart: Holes or defects in the walls of the heart can create uneven blood flow, resulting in murmurs.
  • Narrowed blood vessels: Narrowed or narrowed blood vessels near the heart can affect blood flow and cause murmurs.
  • Prosthetic valves: Replacement of natural heart valves with prosthetic valves can sometimes generate murmurs.
  • Anemia: When the blood has an insufficient amount of red blood cells (anemia), this can lead to faster blood flow and thereby cause heart murmurs. Analysis of CBC Test and Vitamin B12 can help identify anemia.

What can I do myself? Murmurs are nothing that you hear yourself. It is usually discovered by chance when a doctor listens to the heart. If the doctor cannot decide for himself whether the murmur is physiological or a sign of an underlying disease, you may be referred to a heart specialist for further heart examination.

Symptoms of wheezing

  • Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing, especially during physical exertion, can be a sign that the heart is not pumping enough blood efficiently.
  • Fatigue and Weakness: Inadequate blood circulation can result in a feeling of fatigue and weakness.
  • Fainting or Dizziness: Reduced blood supply to the brain can lead to dizziness or, in some cases, fainting.
  • Chest pain: In some cases, chest pain or discomfort may occur if the heart has difficulty pumping blood properly.
  • Rapid Heartbeat: Irregular or rapid heartbeat can be a result of uneven blood circulation.

It is important to remember that these symptoms do not necessarily indicate wheezing or heart disease, as they can also be the result of other health problems. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or if you have detected wheezing, it is best to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and advice.

Related tests and health checks

Health checks

Health checks

CBC Test
Complete blood count and B cells test

CBC Test

  • Health check that measures your blood status.
  • Analysis of blood cells that affect your general health.
  • Gives you the conditions to optimize your health.
  • Indication of possible diseases.

195 kr119 kr

Vitamin tests

Vitamin tests

Vitamin B12
  • Measures your levels of vitamin B12.
  • Indication of vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Low levels can lead to anemia.

159 kr

Other symptoms