Erythrocytes, also known as red blood cells, are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. By analyzing your erythrocytes, you have the opportunity to assess your blood health and detect potential underlying health issues such as:
Anemia Evaluation: Identify or rule out anemia and help determine any causes, which is crucial for optimizing your health.
Oxygen Transport Capacity: Erythrocytes are vital for the body's ability to efficiently transport oxygen, necessary for energy production and vital functions.
Blood Quality: The analysis provides insights into your blood quality and any deviations that may indicate underlying diseases.
What Does an Abnormal Value Indicate?
High levels can indicate polycythemia, which means you have an overproduction of red blood cells and can be caused by various factors, including chronic oxygen deficiency.
Low levels can be a sign of anemia, which may be related to a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or other underlying causes.
Erythrocyte analysis is also included with the purchase of a complete blood count.