Health check Large

2 195 kr1 890 kr

General health check

Health check Large

2 195 kr1 890 kr
  • Health check - Large.
  • Analysis of 52 health markers.
  • Helps you identify outliers.
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Information about Health check Large

The big health check

This is a general health check for both men and women, designed to give you a deeper understanding of your overall health status. The health check includes analyzes across a wide range that include biomarkers for checking hormonal balance, heart and blood vessels, blood status, kidney function, liver status, diabetes, inflammation and measurement of mineral and vitamin levels. Gain knowledge about your blood values, examine whether you are at risk for disease and follow your health data over time to optimize your health.

Check your general health status

To protect your health in the long term, it is important to be aware of possible risks for diseases such as heart attack, diabetes and stroke. These diseases are strongly linked to factors such as lifestyle, including physical activity, smoking and dietary habits. By charting your blood values, you can get a clearer picture of how your values are in relation to reference values and get help identifying if you are in the risk zone for diseases or suffer from a lack of important substances such as vitamins or minerals. Being aware of your health status allows you to take timely action and make changes in your lifestyle to improve your health and prevent potential problems in the future.

Detect outliers

We help you identify any deviations and give you good conditions to take the next step towards better health. If you already feel today that your health is somewhat deteriorating, it may be a good time to carry out a general health check. Find out the reason why you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, lower energy, deteriorating physical condition and fitness, difficulty concentrating, high stress or dizziness. All your test results are reviewed by a licensed doctor who also writes a statement if you require one after reviewing your results.

What is analyzed in the health check?

Your blood samples are analyzed by an accredited laboratory and sent for review to a licensed physician who takes a closer look at the following different areas:

  • Blood status: An analysis of blood status gives an overall picture of the blood's various cells and can detect anemia and abnormal immune defenses.
  • Diabetes: We investigate the presence of diabetes by measuring the blood sugar level and can identify signs of type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • Heart and blood vessels: We examine blood fats, which are a risk factor for heart and blood vessel diseases. By analyzing the blood sample, we can detect abnormal blood fat values.
  • Kidney function: We assess kidney function by analyzing the blood sample and can identify causes of kidney diseases such as heredity, smoking, diabetes or obesity.
  • Liver function: We provide information about your liver values through analysis of the blood sample and can detect high liver values.
  • Vitamins: We assess your vitamin status by analyzing the blood sample. Lack of vitamins can affect the body in different ways, and we can help you identify any deficiencies.
  • Minerals: We examine your mineral status by analyzing the blood sample. Lack of minerals can lead to symptoms such as concentration problems, headaches and dizziness.
  • Thyroid: We evaluate thyroid function and can identify thyroid abnormalities that can cause symptoms such as palpitations, fatigue and depression.
  • Inflammation: By measuring CRP in the blood, we can detect infections or inflammation in the body, which can be an indication of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Order a health check today - test yourself already tomorrow

When you order a health check with us, we send the referral directly to the sampling unit you have chosen. This means that you can go and hand in your samples straight away, but remember to follow our instructions before your sample collection.

A complete blood count (CBC) provides an overview of the composition of the blood and can indicate anemia, infection, or other abnormalities. Blood tests measure levels of red and white blood cells and platelets, which provide important information about oxygen transport, immune defense, and the blood's ability to clot.

Basophilic granulocytes
Basophilic granulocytes are a type of white blood cell formed in the bone marrow from stem cells and are used to assess the health of the bone marrow and to detect any disease or infection in the body.
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Eosinophilic granulocytes
Eosinophilic granulocytes are white blood cells that are involved in the body's defense against allergies and parasites, are formed in the bone marrow and are used for the diagnosis of diseases such as autoimmune diseases, allergies or parasitic infections, and are included in a differential count of B cells, among other white blood cells.
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RDW (Red cell distribution width) is a measure of the size variation of erythrocytes (red blood cells). It is used as part of a blood count to assess the presence of anisocytosis, which can provide valuable information in the investigation of anemia and other hematological conditions.
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Erythrocytes RBC
Red blood cells erythrocytes are the most common type of blood cells in humans. These are responsible, among other things, for transporting oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the body.
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Hematocrit, EVF
Hematocrit, EVF, a percentage of red blood cells in the blood, shows oxygen transport and health.
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Hemoglobin mass
Hemoglobin mass is affected by several factors such as number of red blood cells, size and amount of hemoglobin mass in each cell. Higher hemoglobin mass results in better oxygen delivery and reduced fatigue during physical activity.
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Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide, it is produced in the bone marrow and is important for the body's function and for the diagnosis of diseases.
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Leukocytes are white blood cells that are important for the body's immune system and protect against infections and diseases by attacking harmful substances.
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Lymphocytes are an important type of white blood cell in the immune system that includes B lymphocytes that produce antibodies and T lymphocytes that directly attack infected cells and cancer cells, and also contribute to the memory of previous encounters with foreign substances.
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MCV stands for erythrocyte mean cell volume. Low or high levels of MCV can indicate anemia and other conditions and diseases.
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Monocytes are white blood cells that make up about 2-8% of white blood cells and are important for the immune system which, when they reach the tissue, are transformed into macrophages and are specialized in capturing and destroying foreign particles and bacteria as well as helping to regulate inflammation and coordinate the immune system.
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Neutrophil granulocytes
There are several different types of white blood cells, neutrophil granulocytes are one, these have all important tasks for the body's immune system.
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Thrombocytes, also known as platelets, are cells important for blood clotting. They are produced in the bone marrow and help prevent bleeding by forming blood clots in the event of injury. The platelets attach to the site of injury and form a plug to stop the bleeding and protect the body.
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Blood sugar, or glucose, is the body's primary source of energy and is regulated by hormones such as insulin and glucagon. Balanced blood sugar levels are crucial for energy, metabolism, and overall health. Blood sugar markers are analyzed in the blood to assess the body's glucose metabolism and detect any abnormalities. They can provide important information about insulin resistance, diabetes, and other metabolic conditions.

Glucose is a type of sugar that provides energy and comes from food. Insulin helps move glucose from the blood into the cells. Blood sugar is the level of glucose in the blood and can be high or low. Diabetes affects blood sugar levels and causes high blood sugar.
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HbA1c is a blood test that measures your long-term sugar, that is, blood sugar bound to red blood cells over a three-month period. HbA1c shows the level of blood sugar during that period.
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Cardiovascular markers are biomarkers that can be measured in the blood to assess the health of the heart and blood vessels and identify any cardiovascular risk factors or disease states. These markers can provide important information about the risk of cardiovascular disease, diagnose acute and chronic conditions, and be used for the follow-up and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Apo A1
Apolipoprotein A1 is the main protein component of high-density lipoprotein, HDL-cholesterol "the good cholesterol", and protects against cardiovascular diseases.
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Apo B
Blood fat disorders increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and Apolipoprotein B, a component of LDL cholesterol also known as "the bad cholesterol", contributes to this risk.
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Apo B/Apo A1 (ratio)
By determining the ratio between Apolipoprotein B and Apolipoprotein A1, you get an indication of the balance between them, which is a good indicator for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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HDL cholesterol
HDL cholesterol, also known as "the good cholesterol", has anti-inflammatory properties and is responsible for transporting unwanted cholesterol to the liver for burning, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Total cholesterol
Cholesterol is a natural fat that is important to the body because it helps build cells and produce hormones. It is found both in the cells of the body and in certain foods.
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LDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol, also known as "bad cholesterol", is a form of cholesterol carried in the body that can cause heart disease if there is too much of it.
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LDL/HDL ratio
LDL/HDL ratio is an important measurement value for assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is the ratio of "bad" LDL cholesterol to "good" HDL cholesterol in the blood, where a high ratio indicates an increased risk of disease.
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Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood and used as a source of energy. They are a combination of glycerol and three fatty acids and play an important role in the body's energy metabolism. High levels of triglycerides in the blood have been shown to be a risk factor for health problems such as cardiovascular disease.
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Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate body functions, affect your well-being, and control important processes such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. They are produced in endocrine glands and spread through the blood to various organs and tissues.

Cortisol is the most important hormone of glucocorticoids and regulates the metabolism of fat, proteins and sugar in the body as well as inhibits inflammation and allergies, and is secreted during stress but can also decrease during prolonged stress or illness.
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High-sensitivity CRP
High-sensitivity CRP is a marker of inflammation and is used as an indicator of cardiovascular disease risk and low-grade inflammation.
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Iron is important for oxygen transport, energy metabolism and blood formation. Deficiency or excess can cause fatigue, anemia or storage diseases. Blood tests that measure iron, ferritin, transferrin and transferrin saturation provide a comprehensive picture of the body's iron stores.

The body's iron is stored by ferritin, which is a protein. A normal level of ferritin is important for the body's formation of hemoglobin which takes place through iron.
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Common symptoms and causes of high and low iron levels. Imbalanced iron levels can cause various conditions that may sometimes require treatment.
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The kidneys are vital organs that filter the blood, regulate fluid balance, and remove waste products through urine. They play a central role in blood pressure regulation, electrolyte balance, and the production of hormones that affect blood formation and calcium metabolism. Renal markers are analyzed to assess kidney function and detect early signs of kidney disease. They can provide important information about filtration capacity, fluid balance, and any effects on the kidneys.

Cystatin C
Cystatin C is a protein produced by all cells in the body and filtered by the kidneys. Measuring cystatin C levels can give an indication of kidney function.
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Potassium is an important mineral for body function, especially for muscle cells. A small part of the total amount of potassium is found in body fluids, and when the potassium level is measured, it is measured in the fluid around the blood cells.
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Chloride is an electrolyte that is important for normal cell function and regulation of fluid and salt balance in the body. It is part of the stomach's hydrochloric acid and contributes to food digestion.
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Creatinine is formed in your muscles when the body breaks down creatine phosphate (the muscles' energy reserve). The kidneys' job is to filter creatinine.
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Sodium is a mineral that we get in our diet through, for example, meat, fish and cereals, as well as ordinary table salt, which consists of sodium chloride.
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Urate or uric acid is a naturally occurring chemical compound produced in the kidneys and intestines and excreted when the body breaks down substances called purines.
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Urea (UEA)
Urea is a residual product that is formed during the breakdown of proteins and amino acids from the food we put into us
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eGFR Cystatin C
eGFR is a marker of kidney function, a low eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) may indicate impaired kidney function.
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The liver is a vital organ that plays a central role in metabolism, detoxification and energy storage. It produces enzymes and proteins that are important for digestion, blood clotting and immune function. Liver markers are analyzed in the blood to assess the health and function of the liver. They can provide important information about liver damage, inflammation and disease states.

Alate, alanine aminotransferase, is an enzyme found in the cells of the liver and the tissues of the body. The marker Alat, alanine aminotransferase, is used when liver cell damage is suspected.
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Alkaline phosphatases, ALP, are a type of enzyme that breaks down phosphate groups in organic molecules and are active at a higher pH value (alkaline).
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Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme that is normally found inside the cells of the liver. In case of inflammation or irritation in the liver, AST can leak into the blood.
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Albumin is a protein from the liver that keeps fluid in the bloodstream. In kidney disease, albumin can leak into the urine, resulting in lower albumin levels in the blood and swelling of the body. Low albumin can also indicate poor nutritional status.
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Bilirubin (BIB)
Bilirubin is a waste product that is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin, the red blood pigment, in the body. Here you will learn more about bilirubin and what high and low levels can mean.
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GT, gamma
GT, gamma, is an enzyme that the body uses to break down amino acids. If liver or biliary tract disease is suspected, the GT value can be measured.
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Muscles and joints are important for movement and stability, but can be affected by inflammation, autoimmune diseases or injuries. Blood tests with markers such as RF, Anti-CCP, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase can provide valuable information when joint disease or muscle injury is suspected.

Creatine kinase, CK
Creatine kinase is an enzyme that plays a significant role in the body's muscles. Creatine kinase is found in the brain, heart, skeletal muscles, and other body tissues.
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Lactate dehydrogena LD
Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) is an enzyme that is found in the body's cells and is released when tissue is damaged. Elevated levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LD) indicate cell breakdown and tissue damage that may be related to cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, or liver.
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The thyroid is a hormone producing gland that regulates metabolism, energy levels, and several important bodily functions. It produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which affect the heart, muscles, digestion, and temperature regulation. Thyroid markers are tested to assess thyroid function and detect any abnormalities. They can provide important information about hormone balance and identify conditions such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

T3 Free
T3 Free (Triiodothyronine) is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland and plays an important role in the body's metabolism. A hormonal imbalance in the thyroid gland can lead to thyroid disorders.
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T4 Free
T4 Free is a thyroid hormone that measures the free thyroxine in the blood and plays an important role in body temperature and metabolism. An imbalance may indicate thyroid problems.
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TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. TSH plays an important role in the body's hormone system and stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the hormones T4 and T3.
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Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to maintain normal function, energy metabolism and immune function. They play a central role in everything from blood formation and bone health to hormone production and nerve function. Vitamin and mineral analyses are performed on the blood to identify any deficiencies or imbalances. They can provide important information about nutritional status and help optimize health through personalized dietary and supplement recommendations.

Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is necessary for the body's functionality in the nervous system and for the production of red blood cells. Lack of vitamin B12 can indicate health problems that need to be followed up.
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S-25-hydroxi-Vitamin D
The biomarker S-25-hydroxy-Vitamin D is analyzed in order to measure and assess the Vitamin-D balance in the body.
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Folate (folic acid)
Folate is an important B vitamin that plays a central role in cell growth and function, the production of DNA and RNA, and blood formation.
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Phosphate is an additive, it often appears in combination with, for example, sodium and calcium which form salts - these are called phosphates.
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Calcium is important for muscles, nerves and heart. We get calcium from dairy products, leafy vegetables and nuts. Vegetarians and vegans can get added calcium from alternatives to milk.
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Magnesium is a mineral that is important for many of the body's functions, such as metabolism and the functioning of the nerves.
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Before visiting a reception for sampling, you need to do the following:

Activate referral and select reception

To activate your referral, simply follow the instructions that you will receive via email after completing the purchase. The email contains an activation code, by clicking on the link in the email you enter the flow to fill in any information, activate the referral and select reception in the sample answer service zample.

Before the sampling

  • Fast for 10 hours before sampling.
  • Leave the test before 10:00 in the morning.
  • The test contains markers with diurnal variation and should therefore be submitted before 10:00 in the morning.
  • Medicines and dietary supplements: Avoid intake of any iron tablets on the same day as the test if your test contains the marker iron. Postpone the intake of any thyroid medication until after the sample is taken and avoid dietary supplements or drugs with a high content of biotin before tests relating to thyroid markers.
  • Rest for 15 minutes in place on the sampling unit.
  • Bring valid identification.

The referral is available digitally at the sampling unit after you activate it, follow the instructions you receive via email. Here you can read our guidelines before taking samples.

Find the nearest test location

✔ Biological age included

How old are you really?

This health check includes an analysis of your biological age. Biological age is a measure of how your body is aging at the cellular level compared to your chronological age. By comparing your blood values with advanced algorithms, you gain deeper insight into your overall health status and how your lifestyle affects your biological aging.

✔ Biological age included

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How does it work?

Get control of your health - four simple steps

1. Order a health check

Choose a health check or create your own by adding optional health tests to your cart.

Show more health tests

2. Activate the referral

After payment, you will receive an activation code via email. Log in via "My test results" or click on the link in the email, and use the code to activate the referral and choose reception.

Sign in

3. Leave the blood sample

You visit the chosen reception to do your test. Your referral is valid for 5 months after activation.

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4. Test answers and statement

You will receive your test answers within 1-5 working days, the test answers are received continuously. Once all test results are received, they are reviewed and issued by a doctor.

zample app


With us you always get:

Qualitative analysis

To offer you the highest possible quality and service we collaborate with accredited laboratories and trained healthcare personnel.

Lowest possible price

Our vision is that as many people as possible should have the opportunity to improve their health. That's why we always strive to keep prices low.

Your needs – your choice

With us, you can always choose freely among all our health markers and design your own personal health check based on your needs.

Quick test results – reviewed by doctors

Within 1-5 working days you will receive your test results, these are reviewed and assessed by a doctor. In the event of significantly deviating test answers, you will be called. You can also make an appointment with a doctor for a personal review.

Simon Mäntylä

Gives a blood test before a health check

Why should I test myself?

Take health into your own hands

Track your inner self

Understand what is happening in your body - with insight into your values, you can take control of your well-being and make any adjustments in your lifestyle.

Healthy diet

A healthy and varied diet is said to be a trick to reduce the risk of ill health, with full insight into your health data you can see the balance of your vitamins, minerals and hormones.

Optimize your health

Your lifestyle choices affect your general health, based on your values you can create the conditions for increased well-being - and a healthier life.

Questions and answers

Yes, you can buy all tests and health checks with us for another person. After you complete a purchase, you will receive an email with an activation code. The activation code is not personal, which means that you can give the activation code to any person. The person who is to use the code needs to have a Swedish social security number or a valid reserve number.

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No, blood tests do not replace contact with the healthcare system, which together with medical history, clinical examinations and possible blood tests can make a diagnosis.

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You submit your test at any reception that is available all over Sweden, see the "receptions" tab in the menu. The sampling is carried out by trained healthcare personnel, so you can feel confident in your choice of sampling unit and in your meeting with the staff who work for them and who perform the sampling when you leave your blood sample intravenously. Analysis of your blood samples takes place at Sweden's leading accredited laboratory Synlab, Unilabs or Karolinska University Laboratory.

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To create your own referral select the specific markers you want to test for in the shopping cart. When you complete your purchase, a separate referral is created based on your choices.

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It usually takes 1-5 working days to get your test results, these are sent to you continuously as the analysis is done. The doctors comment will appear in the final report when all test results have been received, provided it is included in your analysis.

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Add the health check or tests you want to carry out to the shopping cart, go to checkout and choose the payment option that suits you. After completed payment, we will send an email with an activation code for your referral. You use the activation code in the sample response service "My journal" to activate the referral and select the reception where you want to leave your samples.

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With us you are always safe with our satisfied customer guarantee!

With us you are always safe with our satisfied customer guarantee!

We want to help people improve their health. That's why it's important that you feel safe with us. As a healthcare provider, safety is our top priority and we always strive to deliver the highest quality in our services. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your experience with us - do not hesitate to contact us. We listen and will do what we can to make you feel safe and satisfied. Our satisfied customer guarantee is an expression of our commitment to you and your health - where we want to take our responsibility when you use our services to access your health data and improve your health.

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