
- White blood count WBC
- Differential count of leukocytes..
- Indication for your immune system
- Coagulation and inflammation test based on venous blood sample.
- Analyzes P-Fibrinogen to assess the blood's clotting ability.
- Identifies risk of blood clots, bleeding disorders and inflammation.
- Helps evaluate cardiovascular disease and systemic inflammation.
- Analysis of herpes simplex virus (HSV).
- Checking IgG antibodies for HSV-1 and HSV-2.
- Get answers on whether you have had a previous Herpes infection.
- Herpes test based on venous blood sample for higher reliability.
- Analysis of IgG subclasses in suspected immune deficiency.
- For deeper insight into your immune system.
- Blood test for IgG-1 to IgG-4.
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA) blood test.
- If mucosal infection is suspected.
- For evaluation in case of recurrent infections.
- Analysis of Immunoglobulin G (IgG).
- The body's most common antibodies.
- Analysis of your immune system.
- Analysis of Immunoglobulin M
- For identification of ongoing infection.
- Evaluation of the immune system status.
- Analysis for glandular fever.
- Control of EBV antibodies.
- Ensure your immunity to EB virus.

- Throat swab for Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA analysis.
- Mycoplasma test in cases of suspected respiratory infection.
- Analysis of S-Orosomucoid (a1-acid glycoprotein)
- Acid-base balance test based on venous blood sample.
- In case of suspicion of chronic inflammation.
- Analysis based on venous blood sample.
- Prostate control based on blood analysis.
- Analysis of P-PSA (total PSA).
- Analysis of the ratio between PSA-Free/total.
- Measuring antibody levels linked to joint pain
- blood analysis is used in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Indication for joint rheumatism
- Analysis of S-ACE (Serum Angiotensin Converting Enzyme).
- Blood test in the investigation of sarcoidosis and granulomatous diseases.
- Elevated levels may indicate active sarcoidosis or other inflammatory conditions.
- Used to assess disease activity and response to treatment.
- Analysis of S-Haptoglobin (Hp) in venous blood sample.
- Identifies hemolysis and inflammation in the body.
- In case of suspicion of hemolytic anemia or chronic inflammation.
- Used to assess anemia, liver function and immune response.

- Detects TBE infection.
- Checking your TBE vaccine
- Ensure your immunity to TBE.
- Analysis of antibodies IgM & IgG