Herpes simplex

995 kr

IgG antibodies HSV-1 and HSV-2

Herpes simplex

995 kr
  • Analysis of herpes simplex virus (HSV).
  • Checking IgG antibodies for HSV-1 and HSV-2.
  • Get answers on whether you have had a previous Herpes infection.
  • Herpes test based on venous blood sample for higher reliability.
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Information about Herpes simplex

Blood test for Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2)

Do I have herpes? This is a question that many people ask themselves, especially when they have recurring blisters, burning or anxiety after unprotected contact. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a very common virus that often remains undetected. With this blood test, you can find out. The test analyzes the presence of IgG antibodies to both HSV-1 and HSV-2, which shows whether you have had a previous infection. The sample is taken with a venous blood sample at any clinic and then analyzed by an accredited laboratory. Answers with a doctor's comment are delivered digitally within 2–5 days.

Herpes is one of the most common viral infections

Many people carry the virus without knowing it. A blood test that measures IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2) can give you clear answers about whether you have had a previous infection. By getting a confirmed diagnosis, you can more easily get the right treatment in the event of future symptoms, including through digital care, because healthcare professionals will then know that the symptoms are related to herpes. Knowing your herpes status can also be crucial before pregnancy, in the event of recurring symptoms or if you are concerned about infection after unprotected contact.

In the case of a primary infection with genital herpes, it can take up to 6 months before IgG antibodies are formed, in which case you are recommended to order a referral only after six months after suspected infection. If a recent infection is suspected, the test may need to be repeated after a few months.

What is herpes simplex virus?

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common DNA virus that infects both skin and mucous membranes and is divided into two main types:

  • HSV-1: Associated with cold sores (herpes labialis), but can also cause genital herpes.
  • HSV-2: More common cause of genital herpes (herpes genitalis), but can also cause oral symptoms.

The infection is transmitted through direct contact with infected mucous membranes, saliva or body fluids. Herpes is most easily transmitted during active outbreaks, but can also be spread without symptoms. Therefore, it is a common but often undetected infection.

How does the test work?

The herpes test is a serological analysis that measures your concentrations of IgG antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2. These antibodies develop after a few months after a primary infection and persist for life, making the test useful for confirming a previous herpes infection.

Interpretation of test results

  • HSV-1 positive: Detected IgG antibodies indicate a previous infection, usually in the form of cold sores (herpes labialis). However, HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes.
  • HSV-2 positive: IgG antibodies to HSV-2 indicate a previous infection, usually genital herpes (herpes genitalis).
  • Negative result: No antibodies to HSV-1 or HSV-2 are detected. This means that you probably have not had an HSV infection.
    Note: If the test is taken shortly after a suspected infection, the result may be negative despite an ongoing infection. In case of uncertainty, a follow-up test after 3–6 months is recommended.

Common symptoms of herpes infection

Herpes simplex virus can cause symptoms during primary infection and recurrent outbreaks. Common symptoms include:

  • Blisters and sores in the mouth or genitals
  • Burning and itching in the infected area
  • Fever and malaise in primary infection
  • Recurrent outbreaks in periods

Many people are infected without having clear symptoms, which makes a blood test with IgG analysis particularly valuable.

Why test yourself for herpes?

There are several situations in which a herpes test may be valuable:

  • For recurrent blisters or burning in the mouth or genitals
  • Before pregnancy to check herpes status
  • For concerns about infection after unprotected sex
  • For unclear symptoms that may indicate herpes simplex infection

Questions and answers herpes simplex virus

  • What is the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2?
    HSV-1 most often causes cold sores but can also cause genital herpes. HSV-2 is usually associated with genital herpes but can also cause oral symptoms.
  • What causes herpes?
    Herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2 causes the infection and is transmitted through direct contact with infected mucous membranes or body fluids.
  • What are the symptoms of herpes?
    Blisters, sores, itching, burning, fever and in some cases headache and muscle aches. However, many people carry the virus without experiencing symptoms.
  • What should you do if you have herpes?
    Avoid contact with blisters during an outbreak, use protection during sexual contact and, if necessary, consult a doctor for symptom-relieving treatment.
  • How easily is herpes transmitted?
    Herpes is most easily transmitted during active outbreaks, but can also be spread asymptomatically. Use a condom and avoid contact with blisters to reduce the risk.
  • Can herpes be passed on?
    The herpes simplex virus remains in the body for life. Outbreaks often become milder and rarer over time, and there are medications that can relieve symptoms.

Before visiting a reception for sampling, you need to do the following:

Activate referral and select reception

To activate your referral, simply follow the instructions that you will receive via email after completing the purchase. The email contains an activation code, by clicking on the link in the email you enter the flow to fill in any information, activate the referral and select reception in the sample answer service zample.

Before the sampling

  • Rest for 15 minutes in place on the sampling unit.
  • Bring valid identification.

The referral is available digitally at the sampling unit after you activate it, follow the instructions you receive via email. Here you can read our guidelines before taking samples.

AK´s Estetik & hälsa Gällivare

Föreningsgatan 9, Gällivare

Time booking

AK´s Estetik & hälsa Kiruna

Reenstiernagatan 33 A, Kiruna

Time booking

Alovia Vårdcentral

Lantmannavägen 109C, Trollhättan

Time booking


Lillåvägen 68, Bagarmossen

Drop in

Bergmästarens filial Västerås

Flottiljgatan 61, Västerås

Time booking

Calestam Care Hjo

Hamngatan 18, Hjo

Time booking

Capio Malmö

Stortorget 9, Malmö

Time booking

Cordinator Linköping

Brigadgatan 26, Linköping

Drop in

Cordinator Norrköping

Södra Promenaden 32, Norrköping

Drop in

CrossFit Västervik

Lysingsvägen 18, Västervik

Time booking

Dala Vård och Vaccin

Sveavägen 5, Borlänge

Time booking

Dalens Närsjukhus

Åstorpsringen 6, Enskededalen

Drop in

Danderyds sjukhus

Entrévägen 2, Danderyd

Drop in


Edsbergs torg 1, Sollentuna

Drop in


Bryggavägen 8, plan 2, Ekerö

Drop in

Encia Falun

Åsgatan 55, Falun

Time booking

Encia Gävle

Nygatan 29, Gävle

Time booking

Encia Kalmar

Stortorget 32, Kalmar

Time booking

Encia Karlstad

Bryggaregatan 11, Karlstad

Time booking

Encia Norrköping

Drottninggatan 32, Norrköping

Time booking

Encia Sundsvall

Centralgatan 14, Sundsvall

Time booking

Encia Uppsala

Kålsängsgränd 10D, Uppsala

Time booking

Encia Västerås

Källgatan 10, 1tr, Västerås

Time booking

Encia Örebro

Drottninggatan 38, vån 2, Örebro

Time booking

Farsta Läkarhus

Farstagången 32, Farsta

Drop in


Fruängsgången 2, Hägersten

Drop in

Hagakliniken Borlänge

Hagavägen 20, Borlänge

Time booking


Storgatan 70, Solna

Drop in

HälsoBrunnen Vårdcentral

Vistvägen 2, Ulricehamn

Drop in

Injektionskliniken Lycksele - Health checkup

Borgaregatan 17 BV, Lycksele

Time booking

KLINIKEN Barbro Börjeson

Göteborgsvägen 14, Alingsås

Time booking

Sampling unit karolinska

Eugeniavägen 3, Solna

Drop in

Kopparhälsan Västerås

Metallverksgatan 21, Västerås

Time booking

Labbkliniken Hagfors

Fäskeforsvägen 2, Hagfors

Time booking

Labbkliniken Örebro

Gustavsgatan 7, Örebro

Time booking

Laboratory Bollmora

Regnbågsgatan 14, Tyresö

Drop in

Local laboratory Djursholm

Gudmundvägen 9, Djursholm

Drop in


Odelbergs väg 19A, Gustavsberg

Drop in

Rågsved laboratory

Kumlagatan 15, Bandhagen

Drop in

Laboratory Saltsjöbaden

Byvägen 52, Saltsjöbaden

Drop in

Laboratoriet Solna

Hannebergsgatan 41, Solna

Drop in

Laboratory Vallentuna

Åby gata 6, Vallentuna

Drop in

local laboratory Västerhaninge

Klockargatan 17, Västerhaninge

Drop in

Laboratory Åkersberga

Stationsgränd 16, Åkersberga

Drop in

LenaGo Health

Kvarngatan 72, Rättvik

Time booking

Liwia Vårdcentral

Östra Tullgatan 6, Malmö

Time booking

MACCBilen Landskrona

Kavallerigatan 4B, Landskrona

Time booking

MACC People Båstad

Torget, Båstad

Time booking

MACC People Helsingborg

Grenadjärgatan 19, Helsingborg

Time booking

MACC People Hässleholm

Stortorget, Hässleholm

Time booking

MACC People Höganäs

Kyrkplatsen 2, Höganäs

Time booking

MACC People Hörby

Gamla torget, Hörby

Time booking

MACC People Höör

Nya Torg, Höör

Time booking

MACC People Kristianstad

Blekingevägen 2, Kristianstad

Time booking

MACC People Kungälv

Västra Gatan 57, Kungälv

Time booking

MACC People Limhamn

R. F. Bergs plats, Limhamn

Time booking

MACC People Ljungbyhed

Skolgatan 1A, Ljungbyhed

Time booking

MACC People Lomma

Hamntorget 1, Lomma

Time booking

MACC People Lund

Trollebergsvägen 5, Lund

Time booking

MACC People Löddeköpinge

Marknadsvägen 2, Löddeköpinge

Time booking

MACC People Osby

Torget, Osby

Time booking

MACC People Skurup

Stora Torg, Skurup

Time booking

MACC People Staffanstorp

Bråhögsplatsen 1 C, Staffanstorp

Time booking

MACC People Svedala

Norra Ellenborgsgatan 1, Svedala

Time booking

MACC People Tomelilla

Malmövägen 8, Tomelilla

Time booking

MACC People Trelleborg

Nygatan 30, Trelleborg

Time booking

MACC People, Borås

Allégatan 6, Borås

Time booking

MACC People, Uddevalla

Norra Drottninggatan 1, Uddevalla

Time booking

MACC People, Ängelholm

Stjernsvärds allé 59, Ängelholm

Time booking

MACC people Bjuv

Järnvägsgatan 1, Bjuv

Time booking

MACC people Bjärnrum

Järnvägsgatan 2, Bjärnum

Time booking

MACC people Eslöv

Stora torget, Eslöv

Time booking

MACC people Svalöv

Herrevadsgatan 10B, Svalöv

Time booking

MACCbilen Ystad

Sankt Knuts Torg 4, Ystad

Time booking


Östra storgatan 45, Kristianstad

Time booking

Mitt under livet

Nygatan 3b, Nässjö

Time booking

Mottagning Bergmästaren

Kaserngården 4, Falun

Time booking


Södergatan 19, Märsta

Drop in

Nacka Närsjukhus

Lasarettsvägen 4, Nacka

Drop in

Nordic Vitality Clinic

Landshövdingevägen 9C, Ängelholm

Time booking

Norrlands Hälsa

Västra Kyrkogatan 14B, Umeå

Time booking

Norrländsk Sjukvård

Skiljevägen 42, Umeå

Time booking

Norrtälje Sjukhus

Lasarettsgatan 8, Norrtälje

Drop in

Nynäshamn sjukhus

Idunvägen 1, Nynäshamn

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Boo

Kanholmsvägen 51, Saltsjö-boo

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Hallstavik

Carl Wahrens väg 24, Hallstavik

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Handens närsjukhus

Dalarövägen 6, Haninge

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Solna centrum

Hotellgatan 3, 2 tr, Solna

Drop in

Local laboratory Täby hospital

Esplanaden 9, Täby

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Upplands Väsby

Dragonvägen 92, Upplands väsby

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Vaxholm

Kapellgatan 2, Vaxholm

Drop in

Närlaboratorium Vendelsö

Skomakarvägen 20, Vendelsö

Drop in

Näsets Läkargrupp

Stortorget 17, Vällinge

Drop in

Oceanhamnes Vårdcentral

Henckels Torg 6, Helsingborg

Time booking

Prosyrrorna Timrå

Köpmangatan 43, Timrå

Time booking

Provtagningscentral Huddinge

Hälsovägen 13, Huddinge

Drop in

Provtagningscentral Kallhäll

Kopparvägen 2 B, Järfalla

Drop in

Provtagningscentral Maria

Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 25, plan 2, Stockholm

Drop in

Provtagningscentral Årsta

Bränningevägen 2, Årsta

Drop in


Södra Vägen 23, 1tr, Göteborg

Drop in

SYNLAB Sophiahemmet

Valhallavägen 91, Hus C, 1tr, Stockholm

Drop in


Olivecronas väg 1, Stockholm

Drop in

Sannas Skönhetsvård

Kyrkogatan 25, Skurup

Time booking

Sollentuna Hospital

Tingsvägen 19, Sollentuna

Drop in

Stadshuset Lidingö

Lejonvägen 15, Lidingö

Drop in

Startskottet Hälsocamp

Hantverkargatan 34, Gävle

Time booking


Motellvägen 1A, Falkenberg

Time booking

SYNLAB Stureplan

Riddargatan 1, 1tr, Stockholm

Drop in

Synlab MACC People, Malmö

Derbyvägen 6E, Hus E2, Malmö

Time booking

Synlab MACCbilen, Kävlinge

Köpmansgatan 1, Kävlinge

Time booking

Synlab MACCbilen, Simrishamn

Stortorget 4, Simrishamn

Time booking

Stockholm South General Hospital

Sjukhusbacken 10, Stockholm

Drop in

Södertälje Sjukhus

Rosenborgsgatan 6-10, Södertälje

Drop in


Esplanaden 11, Täby

Drop in

Upplands Väsby Löwenströmska Sjukhuset

Löwenströms väg 1, Upplands väsby

Drop in


Kungsgatan 43, Uppsala

Drop in

Vaccin i Norr

Nygatan 46, Skellefteå

Time booking


Ingelstadsvägen 33, Växjö

Time booking


Fyrvallavägen 2, Östersund

Time booking

Vhila Hälsoklinik

Ronnebygatan 41, Karlskrona

Time booking


Indalsbacken 2, Vällingby

Drop in

Vård & Vaccination i Luleå

Köpmangatan 33, Luleå

Drop in

Vård Access Linköping

Sankt Larsgatan 22A, Linköping

Time booking

Wetterhälsan, Munksjöstaden

Barnarpsgatan 111, Jönköping

Drop in


Batterigatan 9, Jönköping

Drop in


Jägersrovägen 80A, Malmö

Drop in

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How does it work?

Get control of your health - four simple steps

1. Order a health check

Choose a health check or create your own by adding optional health tests to your cart.

Show more health tests

2. Activate the referral

After payment, you will receive an activation code via email. Log in via "My test results" or click on the link in the email, and use the code to activate the referral and choose reception.

Sign in

3. Leave the blood sample

You visit the chosen reception to do your test. Your referral is valid for 5 months after activation.

Show all clinics

4. Test answers and statement

You will receive your test answers within 1-5 working days, the test answers are received continuously. Once all test results are received, they are reviewed and issued by a doctor.

zample app

Why Testmottagningen.se?

With us you always get:

Qualitative analysis

To offer you the highest possible quality and service we collaborate with accredited laboratories and trained healthcare personnel.

Lowest possible price

Our vision is that as many people as possible should have the opportunity to improve their health. That's why we always strive to keep prices low.

Your needs – your choice

With us, you can always choose freely among all our health markers and design your own personal health check based on your needs.

Quick test results – reviewed by doctors

Within 1-5 working days you will receive your test results, these are reviewed and assessed by a doctor. In the event of significantly deviating test answers, you will be called. You can also make an appointment with a doctor for a personal review.

Simon Mäntylä

Gives a blood test before a health check

Why should I test myself?

Take health into your own hands

Track your inner self

Understand what is happening in your body - with insight into your values, you can take control of your well-being and make any adjustments in your lifestyle.

Healthy diet

A healthy and varied diet is said to be a trick to reduce the risk of ill health, with full insight into your health data you can see the balance of your vitamins, minerals and hormones.

Optimize your health

Your lifestyle choices affect your general health, based on your values you can create the conditions for increased well-being - and a healthier life.

Questions and answers

Yes, you can buy all tests and health checks with us for another person. After you complete a purchase, you will receive an email with an activation code. The activation code is not personal, which means that you can give the activation code to any person. The person who is to use the code needs to have a Swedish social security number or a valid reserve number.

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No, blood tests do not replace contact with the healthcare system, which together with medical history, clinical examinations and possible blood tests can make a diagnosis.

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You submit your test at any reception that is available all over Sweden, see the "receptions" tab in the menu. The sampling is carried out by trained healthcare personnel, so you can feel confident in your choice of sampling unit and in your meeting with the staff who work for them and who perform the sampling when you leave your blood sample intravenously. Analysis of your blood samples takes place at Sweden's leading accredited laboratory Synlab, Unilabs or Karolinska University Laboratory.

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To create your own referral select the specific markers you want to test for in the shopping cart. When you complete your purchase, a separate referral is created based on your choices.

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It usually takes 1-5 working days to get your test results, these are sent to you continuously as the analysis is done. The doctors comment will appear in the final report when all test results have been received, provided it is included in your analysis.

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Add the health check or tests you want to carry out to the shopping cart, go to checkout and choose the payment option that suits you. After completed payment, we will send an email with an activation code for your referral. You use the activation code in the sample response service "My journal" to activate the referral and select the reception where you want to leave your samples.

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With us you are always safe with our satisfied customer guarantee!

With us you are always safe with our satisfied customer guarantee!

We want to help people improve their health. That's why it's important that you feel safe with us. As a healthcare provider, safety is our top priority and we always strive to deliver the highest quality in our services. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your experience with us - do not hesitate to contact us. We listen and will do what we can to make you feel safe and satisfied. Our satisfied customer guarantee is an expression of our commitment to you and your health - where we want to take our responsibility when you use our services to access your health data and improve your health.