Other health tests
- Get answers to your alcohol consumption over time.
- Alcohol-specific biomarker CDT.
- Analysis of low-carbohydrate transferrin.
- Private result, not shared with care record.

- Measures the level of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) in the blood.
- May indicate possible histamine intolerance.
- Accredited analysis of S-Diamine oxidase.
- Measures your level of creatine kinase.
- Muscle health and injury assessment.
- Indicator for heart attack risk.
- Measures the LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio.
- Can provide information about risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Analysis of Lactate dehydrogenase LD.
- Assessment of tissue damage.
- The analysis of S-LD, enzyme marker.
- Measuring the levels of Lipase.
- Analysis of the enzyme pancreatic lipase.
- Indication for pancreatic diseases.
- For increased insight into fat metabolism.
- Measures the MMA concentration in the blood.
- Analysis of methyl malonate.
- When investigating Vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Measures your paracetamol levels in the blood.
- Blood test for suspected paracetamol overdose.
- Analysis of P-Paracetamol for accurate and reliable results.
- Gain insight into your paracetamol levels.
- Analysis of S-AFP (Alpha-1-Fetoprotein).
- Blood test for suspected liver or testicular cancer.
- Elevated levels may indicate abnormal cellular changes.
- Analysis of S-Beta-2-microglobulin (B2M).
- Blood test for evaluating blood cancer and kidney function.
- Elevated levels may occur in myeloma, lymphoma, or kidney failure.
- Analysis of B-Standard Bicarbonate for insight into pH regulation.
- Acid-base balance test based on venous blood sample.
- Identifies risk of metabolic acidosis, alkalosis and electrolyte disturbances.
- Helps evaluate renal function, metabolism and acid-base status.
- Stockholm3 PSA test.
- Analysis of several PSA markers.
- Risk assessment for prostate cancer.
- Analysis of P-Protein
- Assessment of nutritional status & tissue damage.
- Blood sample for analysis of total protein
- Assess for nutritional deficiency or inflammation.

- Measures the level of IgA transglutaminase antibodies.
- May indicate likelihood of celiac disease.
- Can be used as part of celiac disease investigation.

- Thyroglobulin antibody test.
- Analysis of thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb).
- Identifies autoimmune thyroid diseases and thyroid cancer.

- Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) antibody test.
- Analysis of antibodies against the varicella-zoster virus.
- Varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox and shingles.
- Indication of your immune system.