Doctors statement

295 kr

Digital written medical statement

Doctors statement

295 kr
  • Medical report
  • Digital statement based on your test answers.
  • Response time within 1-2 days
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Doctor's report based on your blood tests

Add a medical report to your blood tests and get an in-depth medical interpretation of your test results by a licensed physician. When you order individual samples, you can now also choose to receive a medical report drawn up by a licensed physician who explains and interprets your test results.

What is included in the medical report?

  • Medical Interpretation: A licensed physician carefully reviews your test results and explains in writing the meaning of the results.
  • Personal Advice: Get advice and tips on how to optimize your health based on your test results.
  • Health evaluation: The doctor can also give indications of possible medical conditions or abnormalities that might not otherwise be noticed.
  • Relevant Information: You have the option to provide any written information that may be relevant to the doctor when interpreting your test results.

This is how it works:

  • When you order your blood samples from us, you can choose to add the Medical report service.
  • Exam results: You will first get access to your exam answers via our digital exam answer service.
  • Additional information: After reviewing the test results, you can provide written information that you think may be relevant to the doctor.
  • Medical statement: Within 1-2 working days, you will receive a written statement from a licensed doctor directly in the test answer service.

Advantages of Medical Certificate:

  • Get a professional assessment of your test results.
  • Quick Response: You will receive your medical report within 1-2 working days.
  • Health guidance: Get personal health advice and tips to optimize your health.

With a doctor's report, you not only get your test results, but also a valuable medical interpretation that can help you better understand and improve your health. Choose Medical opinion for a complete and in-depth health assessment and design your own health check.